4AF Time Warp

Root&Shaw are stuck in a time warp where all they have is each other.

We might as well be a symphony 番外 (十一)

此文献给超级大好人寒大 @寒秋不知寒 还有一直给予支持的 @瑩  希望你们喜欢,别嫌弃PO主的文笔哦

古堡的大门被打开,已经站在圣坛上的Shaw看着穿着洁白婚纱的Root在Mr Finch的搀扶下缓缓走近。Root惊喜地发现那条通往圣坛的红毯已被玫瑰铺满,整个古堡的大厅也被粉色气球装饰得宛若童话仙境。望眼看去大厅中央的圣坛上站着慈祥的神父,穿着军装的Shaw,还有拿着捧花的Hanna?!Gen 不知什么时候也站到了Shaw的身旁。Finch将Root的手交予Shaw,“Miss Shaw,这次我可以放心地将Samantha托付给你了。”Shaw用力地点了点头。一旁的Hanna赶紧给了Root一个拥抱:“Sam,Shaw请我来当你的伴娘,希望能给你惊喜。此刻的我衷心祝福你们。” 


"Samantha Groves,will you take this women, Sameen Shaw ,for your lawfully wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?" " Yes, I do." 

"Sameen Shaw,will you take this women ,Samantha Groves for your lawfully wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?" " No." 在场的几人一片哗然,只见Shaw平静地补充道:" Even death can't till us part. I love you, Samantha." 

"Now with the power of New York City, I announce you Mrs&Mrs Shaw! " 在众人的掌声下,两人紧紧地拥吻了起来。 

Root原以为自己的新婚之夜将会在古堡里度过,没想到婚礼结束后,Shaw把自己横抱上车,留下一脸错愕的吃瓜群众,径直往曼哈顿开去。直到自己被抱到1458号房门口,Root才意识到这里是Suffolk Hotel....

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